
General Page Media
2025 Design of Medical Devices Conference (April 28-30 in Mpls, MN)

Keynotes & Featured Speakers

speakers and sessions are added as the are confirmed

Conference Speaker Andrew Shaffer

Andrew Schaffer
University of Minnesota

Clinical Case
Wed., April 30

Angela Lorts, DMD Speaker

Angela Lorts
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Clinical and Real World Evidence-Pediatric Devices
Wed., April 30

Chris Schad, DMD Keynote

Chris Schad
Mayo Clinic

Growing a Successful MedTech Innovation Ecosystem
Wed., April 30

Greg Beilman, DMD Speaker

Greg Beilman
University of Minnesota

Combat Medicine
Tues., April 29

Mickayla Rosard, DMD Keynote

Mickayla Rosard
Groove Capital

Growing a Successful MedTech Innovation Ecosystem
Wed., April 30

Ping Yeh, DMD Speaker

Ping Yeh
Vocxi Health

Smart Devices
Tues., April 29

Dr. William Cohn, DMD Keynote Speaker

William "Billy" Cohn

Lunch Keynote Speaker
Tues., April 29