Call for Papers (Papers Under Review)

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Network with Leaders in Medical Device Innovation


DMD Conference committee will be accepting original papers that demonstrate new technologies and applications in the field of medical device design. Submissions from academic and industry researchers, clinicians and practitioners is encouraged.

Accepted papers are required to be presented in one of the exciting podium sessions or the Scientific Poster Sessions during the 2025 DMD Conference (April 29 or 30). Additionally, the top papers describing medical device designs with a potential for commercialization, will be invited for participation in the Five-Minute Pitch Competition (April 30).

All accepted papers will be published in the 2025 Proceedings of the Design of Medical Devices Conference in the ASME Digital Collection. Published papers are indexed in Google Scholar and Web of Science. Authors of papers deemed of high quality will be invited to expand their papers for fast-track review towards publication in the ASME Journal of Medical Devices after publication of the original paper. 

DMD registration and presentation during DMD is required for publication.

ASME Proceeding for the 2024 Design of Medical Devices Conference

Required DMD2025 Template*

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*Access to the document is not required to download. Click the link above to download the Word Doc.

*Documents open in Google Drive. If you have trouble accessing them, please contact [email protected]