Committee & Staff

Executive Committee
Art Erdman

Dr. Arthur G. Erdman
DMD Conference Co-Chair
[email protected]


Hubert Lim - DMD Speaker

Dr. Hubert Lim
DMD Conference Co-Chair
[email protected]

Paul Iaizzo

Dr. Paul A. Iaizzo
DMD Conference Co-Chair
[email protected]


Will Durfee

Dr. William K. Durfee
DMD Conference Co-Chair
[email protected]


Matt Johnson

Dr. Matthew Johnson
Contributed Papers Co-Chair
[email protected]


Carl Nelson

 Dr. Carl Nelson
Contributed Papers Co-Chair
[email protected]


Jenny Holden

Jenny Holden
Conference Administrator

Office: 612-626-2547
Fax: 612-625-2548
[email protected]

RE: Sponsorship, Keynotes, Marketing, Media



Trisha Huntosh

 Trisha Huntosh
Conference Coordinator

Office: 612-626-5642
[email protected]

RE: Registration, Session Logistics, Paper Logistics, Showcase Logistics



Gary Williams

Gary Williams
A/V Coordinator

Office: 612-624-3161
[email protected]

RE: Audio/Visual Logistics

Academic Committee
Mike Finch

Mike Finch
Carlson School of Management,
University of Minnesota


Steven Johnson

Steven Johnson
Institute for Health Informatics,
University of Minnesota


Rosemary Kelly

Rosemary Kelly
Department of Surgery,
University of Minnesota Medical School


Ken Rosen

Ken Rosen
Institute for Engineering in Medicine,
University of Minnesota

Industry Committee
Dawn Bardot

Dawn Bardot
Cloud-based Service Technologies


Matthew Cooper

Matthew Cooper
3M Medical Solutions
Chief Medical Officer Medical Solutions and Global Director Safety


Tracee Eidenshink

Tracee Eidenschink
Research Fellow


Markus Reiterer

Markus Reiterer
Sr. Distinguished Engineer


Kate Taylor

Kate Taylor
Boston Scientific Corporation
Senior Global Innovation Manager

2023 Session Organizers

Andrew Hansen, Minneapolis VA Health Care System

Angel Guzman Rodriguez, ASME

Bradley Clark, University of Minnesota

Bradley Drahos, University of Minnesota

Carla Pavone, University of Minnesota

Danial Sigg, Medtronic

Danny Gelfman, Medtronic

Eric Scott, Medtronic

Gwen Fisher, University of Minnesota

Holly Golecki, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Juergen Konczak, University of Minnesota

Kalvin Param, Medtronic

Ken Merdan, Boston Scientific

Lars Oddsson, University of Minnesota

Lucy Dunne, University of Minnesota

Marc Horner, ANSYS

Matej Rebersek University of Ljubljana

Mithun Suresh, University of Minnesota

Nichole Morris University of Minnesota

Pat Dillon, MNSBIR, Inc.

Paul Iaizzo, University of Minnesota

Paul Rothweiler, University of Minnesota

Randy Schiestl, Boston Scientific

Russ Straate, University of Minnesota

Teri Whitman, Medtronic

William Durfee, University of Minnesota

Questions? Email [email protected]

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