How to Sponsor

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Become a DMD Sponsor

To become a sponsor, simply download the PDF below, complete the sponsor pledge form and return to Andrew Monk ([email protected]). Payment is not needed with the pledge form. We will invoice you for the sponsorship amount with payment due in 30 days. 

Sponsorship Packet

2025 DMD Conference Sponsorship Levels

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  • Six-foot exhibit space
  • Two complimentary conference registrations
  • Acknowledgement on conference printings, announcements, digital media during the conference, electronic and website



  • Six-foot exhibit space
  • Company marketing materials (in PDF format) on conference website; copies provided by company
  • Three complimentary conference registrations
  • Acknowledgement on conference printings, announcements, digital media during the conference, electronic and website



  • Priority exhibit location of a six-foot exhibit space
  • Email advertising booth location sent by DMD to pre-registered attendees
  • Company marketing materials (in PDF format) on conference website; copies provided by company
  • Named poster award
  • Four complimentary conference registrations
  • Acknowledgement on conference printings, announcements, digital media during the conference, electronic and website



  • First priority exhibit location of a twelve-foot exhibit space
  • Email advertising booth location sent by DMD to pre-registered attendees
  • Company marketing materials (in PDF format) on conference website; copies provided by company
  • Signage on registration tables, refreshment tables and area, and in multiple locations in high traffic conference areas
  • Two named poster awards
  • Five complimentary conference registrations
  • Acknowledgement on conference printings, announcements, digital media during the conference, program and website

*NEW* Premier Plus


  • Opportunity for presenting for 30 minutes in a key session about your company’s current technologies and research
  • First priority exhibit location of a twelve-foot exhibit space
  • Email advertising booth location sent by DMD to pre-registered attendees
  • Company marketing materials (in PDF format) on conference website; copies provided by company
  • Signage on registration tables, refreshment tables and area, and in multiple locations in high traffic conference areas
  • Ten complimentary conference registrations
  • Acknowledgement on conference printings, announcements, digital media during the conference, program and website

*NEW* Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

Tuesday Lunch Session = $5,000
•    Company will be mentioned as the sponsor
•    Company signage with rolling slides on screens during lunch
•    Company signage on printed materials for the tables during lunch
•    Option to serve as sole sponsor for $10,000 (otherwise seeking two sponsors)

Tuesday Evening Reception = $10,000
•    Company will be mentioned as the sponsor
•    Company signage with rolling slides on screens during reception
•    Company signage on printed materials for the tables during reception
•    Two named poster awards
•    Option to serve as sole sponsor for $20,000 (otherwise seeking two sponsors) 

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why should I Sponsor DMD?

Where Does Your Money Go?

  • interact with leaders from academia and industry on key policy and research issues.
  • meet with prospective employees, clients, and University of Minnesota faculty.
  • network with other sponsors and develop professional relationships beneficial to your company.
  • gain visibility. The DMD Conference is located in one of the premiere medical device communities in the world.


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Where Does My Money Go?

Sponsorship money is used to offset the Design of Medical Devices Conference expenses. Any remaining sponsorship money supports the activities of the University of Minnesota Earl E. Bakken Medical Devices Center.

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Audience Questions

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What is the expected audience?

Pre-pandemic, DMD had over 1,200 attendees and we believe that this year we will be back to those numbers. Our attendees range from faculty, students from all levels, clinicians, researchers, professors, industry executives, industry engineers, industry scientists, government, legal profession, start-ups, and entrepreneurs

How many exhibitors are you expecting?

We typically have 30-40 exhibitors. Each sponsors is provided exhibit booth space on the conference floor of the hotel.

What type of companies are exhibiting at your event?

We have a variety of companies from small start-ups to the largest corporations.

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Exhibit/Booth Questions

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Can we choose our booth location?

The hotel floorplan is U-shaped and unfortunately, due to this, we do not allow sponsors to choose their booth location. A majority of the conference is held in the hotel's main ballrooms and DMD will assign booth locations for sponsors closest in order of levels beginning with the Premier level.

How big is the exhibit space?

Due to the limited floor plan at the hotel, the exhibit booths are not the industry standard; for example 10x10. The sponsor tables used are standard banquet size tables that are 6'L x 3'W. DMD provides the banquet table(s) and chair for each exhibit.

Are tabletop exhibits allowed?

Yes, but they cannot be more than six to eight feet tall (standard display height) and stay within the designated exhibit booth space. All exhibit displays, materials, pop-ups, and signage must fit within the designated space and are the responsibility of the sponsor.

Does DMD Provide A/V materials for the booth?

No, each sponsoring group is responsible for providing their own audiovisual materials.

Please do not include large television sets or other large pieces of equipment that may be distracting to other exhibits. However, laptops or monitors running programs or slide-shows are appropriate. Please keep the volume low as a courtesy to other exhibitors.

Will I have power to my booth?

Power is available for a fee through the hotel’s in-house AV vendor. Exact details are included within a sponsor information kit.

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On-Site Questions

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Shipping/Receiving Restrictions?

The conference provides set-up time for Monday evening and Tuesday am. Items can be shipped to the hotel two days prior to the start of the actual event. Break down must occur by the designated time set by DMD. Exact details are included within a sponsor information kit.

Should booth staff register?

Yes, all exhibit personnel are required to individually register. There is no charge unless they wish to also attend sessions. A maximum of 10 exhibitors are allowed to register, (2 per designated exhibit time).

Is there exhibitor storage during DMD?

Yes, DMD provides a room specifically for exhibitors to store boxes, materials, etc. The room is unlocked during the day and will be locked at the end of the day. All materials must be removed by a specific time.

What are the exhibiting hours?

DMD designates specific times within the program for attendees to visit exhibits. We request that all booths be staffed during these times. However, you are welcome to stay at your booth throughout the conference as attendees frequently session hop.

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Terms of Sponsorship Questions

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Do hotel sleeping rooms come with my sponsorship?

No. All conference sponsors and attendees must reserve and pay for their own accommodations. DMD provides a special discounted room rate for conference attendees to make their reservation.

What are the payment terms?

Full payment is due within 30 days of submission of confirmation form or within 30 days of invoicing. An invoice will be processed from our accounting office. Please watch for an email from [email protected] as it may end up in junk or spam folders. Late Payment - If payment is not received within these time frames, the DMD Conference retains the right to discontinue sponsorship and/or exhibit space along with any further promotion or marketing.

Cancellations must be received in writing (email or mail. All sponsorships are non-refundable.

What is the deadline for sponsoring?

Typically, the deadline is 2- weeks before the conference. Space is limited and fill up quickly. If the event fills before the deadline, sponsorships will no longer be accepted. Please check the website for continued updates.

Are there speaking opportunities?

The event offers the opportunity to present for 30 minutes in a key session about your company’s current technologies and research. Please see the Premier Plus level for details.